The Future of Home Living: Exploring Voice-Controlled Automation Technologies

Controlling your home with just voice commands! It seems too good to be true, doesn’t it? With voice controlled home automation in UAE like Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant, and Apple Siri, the world-famous smart speakers and voice assistants, you can easily manage every system in your house, right from lighting and climate control to entertainment systems and security systems. Get ready for the magic of voice-controlled automation to revolutionize modern home living.

In this blog, we will look at some of the ways in which voice controlled home automation in UAE can make your life easy at home.


  1. Incorporating Arduino voice control home automation

With Arduino voice control home automation, you can utilize voice recognition technology to automate and manage home appliances like lights, fans, and other electronic appliances through voice commands. This is becoming very popular among homeowners as it contains a voice-controlled home automation system equipped with an Arduino board, a Bluetooth module (like the HC-05), and an Android smartphone integrated with a voice recognition app.   If you want to turn on the air conditioning in your house, all you need to do is give the corresponding command, and the HVAC system will start kicking in. Your command would trigger the Arduino to send a signal to a relay connected to the HVAC system. However, the devices have to be within the Bluetooth range of the function and command to happen.


With Voice-Controlled Home Automation systems, people with mobility challenges can manage on their own if they happen to be alone at home. If you are busy with work and don’t have the time to get up and start the air conditioning, just give the command and then forget about it.


  1. Energy Efficiency and Cost Savings

Yes, through voice controlled systems, you can save a lot of money on utility bills. If you happen to turn off the lights, or the sprinkler system, you can just give the voice command and the work will be done. You can use the voice assistant app on your smartphone to switch the devices off from wherever you are. It gives you the freedom to use energy judiciously through precise control. You can also control the temperature levels of the air conditioning systems. For example, if you want the house to be very cool when you come in from the sweltering heat of Dubai, you can set it at that, and once the house cools, you can set it to a different temperature. With smart thermostats and voice controlled systems, it is all possible.


  1. Personalize your home’s equipment and systems according to your preference and lifestyle

You can make your home’s system and equipment to work according to your lifestyle requirements. You are in complete control of the systems. These voice control systems can distinguish between different users in the household, so multiple people can access the voice control systems. Since these devices are smart, these systems can study each person’s daily habits and behavior and then automatically suggest or activate actions.


Get ready for voice controlled home automation in UAE with GeeSmart’s home automation systems.


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